Pre internet I would have had to have arranged for my sister to sit with radio cassette player, blank tape at the ready to hit record at the right moment (and I'm sure I would have owed her) ...Thank god for Soundcloud is all I can say! When I finally broke free from the daily grind and opened up the app on my phone there it was, sitting at the top of my stream like a smooth glass of red waiting to wash away my work day.
The tune You Are New is another shinning example of the musical magic that is Tom Calder. The track is a slow dance between the acoustic and electric guitar and drums, backed by beautiful vocal harmonies, with Calder's emotive vocals taking centre stage.
The lyrics, in true Calder style are clever and just a little obscure leaving them open to interpretation. 'Quiet askew, you are so deranged but well assured'. I can't get enough of this band, and this track which is slower and less punchy than prior offerings, really demonstrates the reach and talent they possess.
Give it a Listen here! Their first album Rookie is released on the 2nd of August, I can't wait to get my hot little hands on it!
There is sooo much good music being released at the moment, check out this weeks toe tappin tunes for new stuff from Snackadactal, Boy and Bear, The Paper Kites and more! Treat you ears and have a mid week office boogie!
Happy discovering (and dancing),