Saturday, 2 March 2013

{Wet weather wander in West End}

With flooding meaning my long awaited road trip to Grafton was off I was left with a completely free schedule this weekend. So I decided to take my own advice and head off to West End to check out photographer Rueben Stafford's exhibit at The Box.

I arrived very wet but was lucky to be the only one in the Gallery so I could enjoy the 20 or so black and white shots of abandoned structures at my own pace.

The pictures captured the beauty of the buildings in detail leaving me wondering how on earth they could have been abandoned in the first place. My favourites were the shots of the former Morningside Art College. They depict destruction and desolation (in an eerily beautiful way) in a place that was once all about creation.

This guy has an eye for angles and lighting which means the photos are all stunning. If you are looking for something to put on the wall at home they are for sale for around $200.

When I stepped outside the torrential rain had subsided to a mere drizzle. Feeling brave I decided to head down Vulture street to check out the shop that once stood in The Box's place, Box Vintage. Fashion is Art right?

I couldn't resist the print of a blue dress or the layered frilly collar of a top so I bought them both home to live in my closet! On a retail therapy high I trudged across the road through the rain and had a looksie in Jet Black Cat Music

There are sooo many great records in this store! Sadly I don't have a record player to call my own yet, so I left empty handed. But if you are looking for some great tunes on vinyl it's definitely worth checking out. They also have lots of fun in store events like trivia and listening parties (I keep meaning to head along to one of these.... maybe next week?)  Like them on facebook to stay up to date!

The weather was looking like getting worse so I decided it was time to call it quits and head home. It really was a wonderful way to spend the morning on such a wet day, I even stumbled across some street art on my way back to the car.

Happy Saturday and stay dry,


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