Monday 8 April 2013

{Not quite blown away by the ballet}

First of all I must apologise for my slackness over the last week, i've been so full of egg shaped chocolately goodness I have barely been able to move! But today is the first day of my chocolate detox and as a result I have been able to update this weeks toe tappin tunes and events I envy (sorry it's a week overdue). I hope you enjoy them as much as I have been enjoying choccie eggs!!

On Saturday I got all glammed up and headed along to see Cinderella the Ballet at QPAC.

We started with dinner at the Lyrebird restaurant and as always the food was to die for! Thoroughly enjoyed by all! Unfortunately I can't say the same for the ballet (for me at least). While the dancers and their physical prowess and technical skill were 10/10 I was left a little bored. In a word this performance was safe. The set, costume, characters and choreography didn't stray by even a step from the Cinderella story we all read as children.

Maybe this is what most were expecting and it was my solo desire to see something a little different that left me a bit sleepy. If you love sparkly costumes and brilliantly skilled dancers then you will love the Queensland Ballet's latest work, if you're after something different that pushes the envelope then you are best to sit this one out.

Happy Monday!


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