Thursday 30 May 2013

{A Sunday Saunter}

After a few failed attempts I finally made it to QAGOMA to check out the Creative Generation Excellence in Visual Art display. Thirty one pieces created by 2012, year twelve art students from across the state are on display. They were selected from over 500 entries and I have to say they are fantastic, these kids have talent!

Here's a sneaky peak of some of the works. Of mention is the piece in the top right hand corner that is made entirely of paper! Very fine and beautiful work indeed. Who this piece was by and its very clever name elude me at this point in time.... guess you will have to head along and see this lovely work for yourself to find out! 

Another that really impressed me is the top left below, It's By Brisbane Grammar student Lachlan Marshall and is titled Fractured view. I was sure it was a photograph until I read the label... It's a painting! Wow eee!

The overwhelming winner for me was a portrait by Cleveland District High School Student, Jordan Azcune. Maybe I'm a little biased towards this local work having lived in the Redlands for most of life so I'll let you decide!

All in all it was a really fabulous (and free) exhibition, it's continuing until August so make sure you pop along and see the states up and comers in the world of Visual Art!

Being that I was already in the area I took the opportunity to pop into the State Library to check out the QLD Live Band Culture display. 

It was a little disappointing I'd have to say. Firstly it's tiny in comparison to publicity that surrounds it. Secondly it really neglects current band culture in Brisbane, yes there is a fancy mural to current bands and a life size photograph of one of the walls in iconic live music venue The Zoo.... but that's it! The best bit for me was the audio visual display that features some figures key to the survival of Brisbane's live music scene sharing their stories. Really interesting stuff. 

It looks like there is a program of music events to accompany the display and I would recommend heading along to an actual performance then perusing the display after. One its own, not really worth the trip. 

Speaking of live music, I'm off too enjoy two nights of giggin in a row this weekend! How spoilt am I? I hope you have some amazing weekend plans too.

Happy Sauntering,


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