Tuesday 14 May 2013

{Catching Courtney won't cost you a thing!}

Chances are you've heard of Melbourne singer Courtney Barnett. Her single History Eraser has enjoyed a long stint of play on the airways. I'm loving her music, it's old school slacker sounds and anti-folk lyrics.

Image from here

She is currently on the road supporting Something for Kate which means she is in Brisbane this week. That means you have three chances to see her and two of them are completely free! 

You can of course catch her at the Something for Kate gig but if you are watching the pennies, catch her in-store at Jet Black Cat Music West End on Wednesday, 6.30pm or in a Sunday sesh at the Southside Tea Room, 4pm.

Been living under a rock and haven't heard of Courtney? Give her a listen here!

There is heaps of other fabulous stuff (some of it free too) happening in town this week, looking for something to do? Check out the links list to the left titled Event Envy!

Happy free giggin,


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